在澳门葡京博彩软件, performance management is designed to assess employee performance while aligning individual goals with the college's overall objectives and core competencies. 绩效管理的最终目的是:
- 为员工设定清晰、可实现的目标
- 提供定期检查和绩效反馈
- 确定需要改进和发展的领域
- 使个人表现与组织目标保持一致
- Facilitate communication and collaboration between employees and managers
- 支持员工成长和职业发展
- 评估整体绩效并促进持续改进
澳门葡京博彩软件的核心竞争力包括一系列的知识, 技能, 能力, and behaviors that enable employees to perform their work effectively and efficiently. These competencies are vital in ensuring the overall success and productivity of the workforce.
Below is the information that you need to begin the planning and review process.
The current 年度工作表现检讨周期 will cover the period April 1 to March 31.
目标设定 → |
七月至九月 |
暂时性的登记 → |
11月至1月 |
绩效考核 → |
四月至五月 |
绩效薪酬沟通 → |
6月 |
The purpose of the 目标设定 process is to align work scope for the coming year, to ensure that the staff member and their manager are expecting the same outputs for the coming year, and to confirm that these expected outputs match the needs of the department as well as the College’s mission, 愿景与策略.
目标可能由部门主管或经理推动, or may be driven by the employee based on what they feel their priorities are. We suggest as a best practice that managers review job descriptions with employees during the 目标设定 conversation and make any changes needed to confirm that the job description reflects what the staff member is and should be working on during the year.
- 具体的: Goals should be well-defined and specific, leaving no room for ambiguity. 它们回答了需要完成什么以及为什么要完成的问题.
- 可衡量的: Goals should be quantifiable, allowing progress to be tracked and measured objectively.
- 可实现的: Goals should be realistic and attainable within the given resources and constraints
- 相关: Goals should be relevant to the context and align with the broader objectives of the individual, 团队, 或者是大学
- 有时限的: 目标应该有一个具体的时间框架或完成的最后期限. This adds a sense of urgency, helps with prioritization, and creates a clear endpoint for evaluation
目标设定工作表 (谷歌驱动)
Managers and staff members are encouraged to meet regularly to provide continuous feedback and check in on progress towards goals and maintain a strong partnership around goal completion. During the November – January period (corresponding with the end of the Fall semester) this meeting should be formalized as a more official check in around this progress.
- 实现目标的进展: Reviewing the goals and objectives set at the beginning of the performance cycle to assess how much progress has been made and whether any adjustments are needed.
- 绩效反馈: 对员工的表现提供建设性的反馈, highlighting strengths and identifying areas that may require improvement.
- 挑战与支持: Addressing any challenges or obstacles the employee has encountered and discussing how to provide support or resources to help overcome them.
- 发展和培训: Identifying opportunities for the employee's skill enhancement and career development, 这可能涉及到建议培训, 研讨会, 或项目.
- 一致性和期望: Ensuring that the employee's work is aligned with the College's goals and values, 并澄清任何需要进一步澄清的期望.
- 目标版本: 如果情况在目标设定阶段之后发生了变化, 讨论目标是否需要修改或更新以保持相关性.
- 识别: Acknowledging the employee's achievements and contributions during the first half of the performance cycle.
Performance reviews are conducted annually in May/6月 to correspond with the end of the Academic Year. This will be a formal meeting between a manager or department head and a staff member to review how successfully goals were set during the prior year. The annual review is an opportunity to have an open and honest dialogue about your performance over the past year and to document achievements and development areas.
Documented performance reviews are a significant part of your employment record which influences recommendations for salary increases, 促销活动, 转移, 和/或终止妊娠. Merit increases and any other salary changes should be supported by documentation via the performance review.
而绩效评估不受申诉程序的约束, staff members are encouraged to include their own comments in the appropriate section on the performance review form or attach an additional memo.
除了设定并努力实现与工作相关的绩效目标, Smith staff members are encouraged to set a goal or goals related to their professional development. Managers will partner with staff members to identify areas of opportunity and support them in their growth through this process.
Smith faculty and staff are able to view the entire training by logging into the 澳门葡京博彩软件门户 和访问 LinkedIn学习.